For what you might ask? Well, it's my turn to be a mommy! I'M PREGNANT!!
Brad and I found out on Valentine's Day (the most romantic day of the year) that we will become 3 in October of this year! October 21 to be exact. We are very excited for our own little bundle of joy, but it's still a little startling to think that we will be responsible for a little one soon. We have so much to read, ponder, and prepare ourselves for, and it's only 6 months away! We could use all the advice you have, and be prepared for us to ask you all tons of questions. I'm sort of in that panic phase (it's right after the uber-excitement phase) where I realize I have no idea what I'm doing...
Our first ultrasound was at 9.5 weeks (Jelly Bean is 1 inch long):
We started calling the baby Jelly Bean, for obvious reasons, and even though Jelly Bean doesn't look like a jelly bean anymore, the nickname has stuck. This is what Jelly Bean looked like at 12.5 weeks (2.5 inches long):
As of today (Wednesday) I am exactly 13 weeks and Jelly Bean is almost 3 inches long! The time is flying by and Jelly Bean has already grown so much in only 3 short weeks. Life truly is a miracle. We won't find out if the baby is a boy or girl for another 5 weeks. We will keep you posted!
Also, I recently found out that I have 3 other friends who are also due in October! Chelise in El Segundo Ward, Julia in Texas, and Aubrey in Huntington Beach. What fun! Now it's a race to the finish! :) Can't wait for all the fun play dates in October!
Hello world!
5 years ago