Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Only the beginning...

So, for once, peer pressure is a good thing. It's what nudged me to create this blog about Brad and myself and the relentless prodding brought about this, my first post (thanks Claire, Tanya, and Jess :). I was, and am slightly still, a little worried that my posts will be rather boring compared to those of you who have kids (or are expecting them soon), are traveling the world, and the like, but I have been inspired by my friends and family members who have lives similar to my own who still manage to make their blogs fun and exciting. From your examples, I will sincerely try to write often (maybe once per week or every other week) and think of things interesting enough to share with all of you. I really enjoy the small window into your lives that are your blogs; I hope mine will be of the same caliber. And please, keep the peer pressure coming - I know it will spawn more posts. I am off to a slow start, but this is only the beginning of my adventures as a blogger. :)


korth fam said...

HOORAY, I'm excited. I love blogging because you get to know so much more about people then you normally would in the small interactions you have with them. Oh and I'm way excited to learn from your great talent of crocheting!! If I can be half as good as you I'll be happy

The Mendenhall Clan said...

YEAH DEE U DID IT!!!! i am soo pround and peer presure never hurt anyone because u can just repent later!! JUST KIDDING!!! luv ya and see u friday!

Amber said...

Hey, I'm a stalker, haha. I saw a link to your blog through Tanya's so I checked it out. Hope that's okay with you!

Unknown said...

Yeah Dan! I am excited, and it was SOOO good talking to you the other day. And what the freak-ever, you guys have exciting lives! Just cause you guys don't have kids doesn't mean you don't do awesome stuff (maybe more so cause you don't have kids), chello, you are in Cali, you do fun stuff all the time. I am excited to see what changes will take place in the next couples months :)