Thursday, March 24, 2011

I spoke too soon...

Remember this post? Ya, that didn't last. I was hopeful Connor's good mood was here to stay. Not so.

The last few days Connor has been so ornery!! He started teething again, which I'm hoping we are almost done with - for good I mean. Swollen gums, runny nose, drooling, chewing, crying. Well, all other symptoms have been gone a few days except for the whining and crying, which seems to go on and on. Grrr...

5 straight days of being yelled at, cried to, kicked, bitten, "mama mama mama mama mama mama," -- ENOUGH!!

So I came home tonight (Connor and I were out running errands), ate a really gross fast food dinner from KFC with Brad, handed Connor over, and grounded myself to my room for the rest of the night. My mom used to do this every once in a while when we were little and I totally get it now!!!

My nerves are frayed, I have zero patience left. It's time for a date night with myself where I get to watch movies and TV til my brains rot, and browse the free section of KSL and all my designer blogs til my eyeballs drop out of my head. Then I'll read myself to sleep and be a lot better for the day tomorrow.

But from my bed, I can hear Brad and Connor laughing and having a great time in the front room. And that makes me happy. I'm thankful Brad is willing to take Connor for an entire night when I'm at my wits end. I have a good and patient husband.


E.F.G. said...

Did the KFC help? The other day my little spitfire was really giving it to me, and all I could think about was indulging a Big Mac. I'm not one of those girls who jogs off a bad mood (even when I'm not prego).

Really, how do single moms do it!? I think any mom can identify with needing to be grounded to their room. Thank goodness for husbands and tomorrows and that our babies seems to love us despite episodes of shortened patience and general crabbiness.

Happy reading, blogging and vegging.

The Mendenhall Clan said...

Me mom and ady r all sitting on the couch watching a movie and i had to read this post out loud to all 3 of us!

Meleah Ekstrand said...

Oh I am so sorry. I do love that you see the positive side of Brad playing with him. If Emmett has had a bad day (Which luckily is few and far between), I hand him over to Neal when he gets home and Emmett is SO happy, while I am glad that he loves his dad, it irritates me that I get the cranky side and then Neal gets the happy side. I hope he gets better soon!
I and definetly second E.F.G.'s second paragraph!!
Hey when you come out here let me know and hopefully we can hit up Dland with 2 happy babies (I mean toddlers)!

Anonymous said...

So I typed up this long comment last night, only to have the battery die on the iPod touch- not to mention it takes forever to type the darn thing out in the first place! grrr....anyways, I'm so sorry for that frustrating day. Sometimes I feel like the only mom who has bad days like that, so I'm grateful when someone posts something like this so I feel normal and not crazy!

That's nice that Brad took him and they were having fun together. Doesn't that kill ya though?? Sometimes I'm like, "gosh you coulnd't be nice for just a LITTLE bit of today, and now dad shows up and you're fine!?" But I'm glad there's at least one parent who has that effect lol :) Hang in there, hope things get better! P.s what a great idea to ground yourself to your room :)

Brad and Danielle said...

Haha. I used to get more mad when Connor would be crabby for me and super happy for Brad, but only when Brad was like "what are you talking about, he's fine." Ugh. That would really irritate me. Some days I had thoughts of setting up a hidden camera so I could replay the awful days for him to show him really what Connor can be like.

But he has now had his fair share of bad days with Connor too. So now he doesn't question. He knows exactly what I'm talking about and can understand (or put up with) me needing a break. So he will take him when I'm especially irritable from the day's events. Like last night. :)

Brad and Danielle said...

And I completely agree. How in the heck do single moms do it??