Monday, January 24, 2011

House Locked

I'm missing the warm winters of So.Cal. I'm feeling house locked. We've been outside only a couple times since we've been here to go to the playground in our apartment complex, but it's just too cold to be out for very long. Even with warm winter clothes on (how do you keep your face warm??).

I think tomorrow I'm gonna go for a walk with Connor in his stroller. I'm just gonna do it. It might be miserable on the way back, but I can't be inside anymore.

I want to be out, but still inside somewhere else to keep out of the cold. Any suggestions that a 1 year old would tolerate?? Maybe I'll look up the local library...


E.F.G. said...

i feel your pain but know you can do it! we just stay in a lot because i don't feel like bundling us both up. BUT...when i do, i am always much happier. it turns out walks, fresh air, and sunshine really are good for the mood.

can you set a destination? sometimes i just say, "i'll walk to 7-11, get hot chocolate, go home."

Anonymous said...

well, i can't really help you there. Arizona has the opposite problem- it's in the 70's right now (and gorgous!) but come summer time- no one goes ANYWHERE! But I did want to say that the post with you guys sledding was really cute. Addie thought the videos were fun and watched every one of them :) Looks like you are enjoying some of the snow!

christi.higham said...

When Tori was one, I would sometimes go to the McDonald's on the corner. Also, make friends with some of the older women in your ward--they will be understanding of needing to get out and it's great to meet for hot chocolate or whatever and talk a bit. Now that Tori is a bit older (2) we go to storytime at the library. They have a program called Wee Read (under 3) and it's great! Good luck!

Carlos said...

Hey Danielle,
It's amazing to see how quickly our boys are growing up. I've had some success recently with finding some playgroups through